New? What to Expect
What are the service times?
8:40 am Contemporary Service
9:50 am Sunday School
11:00 am Traditional Service
What are the services like?
The 8:40 am service is led by our contemporary praise band, Reigning Mercy. The format of this service is less structured, but includes prayer, scripture readings, a sermon and offering. If you enjoy modern worship music, this is the service for you.
The 11:00 am service follows a liturgical format, featuring our choir and hymns accompanied by our talented organist, Erin Greer. If you enjoy a traditional form of worship, this is the service for you.
What should I wear?
We’re a diverse bunch; you’ll find people wearing jeans, suits, and everything in-between. Wear what makes you comfortable.
Where should I go when I arrive?
If you park out front, enter through the glass doors to our narthex (lobby). Worship is in the sanctuary (on your right, under the steeple). If you park in the back lot, you’ll enter through a different set of glass doors to our Sunday School wing. Turn right to make your way to the rest of the building.
Will I have to say anything or be singled out?
Don’t worry, you won’t be asked to stand up and talk! Don’t be surprised if someone notices you’re a visitor and offers a warm welcome and an invitation to visit us again; we love new faces!
I’m not a Methodist; can I still participate in the service and take communion?
Yes! All people are invited to share in our worship and if you love Jesus, you are welcome to receive communion.
Is the church accessible?
Yes, there are at-grade entrances at both the front and rear of the building. Within the building, a lift connects the main level to the Sunday School wing. Accessible bathrooms are located in the Sunday School wing and near the church office. Hearing assistance devices and large-print hymnals are available in the sanctuary; ask an usher for more information. Gluten-free and pre-packaged elements are available for communion.
Do you collect an offering?
We do collect an offering. Giving our gifts to God is a practical way we show that we put our trust in His provision and that we are invested in the growing of His Kingdom here on earth. CMC believes in full transparency when it comes to how money is collected and how it is used.
If you are interested, we offer the option to give online.
How do I get involved?
Talk to a pastor, greeter, or prayer team member. They’ll be more than happy to answer your questions and put you in touch with the right people. Participate in our Sunday School classes (children and adults), home groups, Bible studies, music ministry, service ministries, and more. Church isn’t just for Sundays!
Talk to us on Sunday or contact the church office.